Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hollywood Top Twenty Hotties (written 2/2/2005 on myspace)

Hollywood Top Five: Brad Pitt
Josh Dumal
Ian Somerhalder
Topher Grace
Eion Bailey

Matt Damon
Josh Lucas
John Corbin
Josh Hartnett
John Cusack
2/23/05 - Gotta replace John Cusack with Tom Welling totally forgot about him!
3/10/05 - John Cusack is back in the top ten. Tom Welling will be in 10-15, as follows:

Tom Welling
Ethan Embry
Orlando Bloom
George Clooney
Matthew McCauneghey) - can't spell his last name

Heath Ledger
Haden Christianson
Jake Gellenhayl (can't spell his last name either)
Tom Cruise
Chris O'Donnell

10/4/05 - Tom Cruise is out, he is just getting too weird for me. Lets put Paul Walker in his place.

Shiloh High School Class Reunion (written 9/25/08 on myspace)

So the reunion was a blast! It was awesome getting to know people that I didn't know in high school (Karin Hassinger, Sharon Hollowman). It was great to see old faces and catch up on what everyone is up to. Can't we do this once a year??? It was funny to find I still had weak knees at a few points during the night.....some things never change. I had a blast with everyone!!! Thanks to Vernon and the whole reunion committee, you guys did an awesome job. Special thanks to Elizabeth Stewart Nelson and her husband Joe for taking so many pictures, I can't wait to see them. Take care everyone and please keep in touch.

Glory to God: Resurrection 2007 (written 1/15/2007 on myspace)

So…this weekend was AWESOME. We took the middle schooler's to ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Gatlinburg, TN to the Resurrection conference with 8,000 other kids. Johnny V was the speaker and he was AMAZING. He was such a great speaker. Really grabs your attention but tough at the same time. He nailed me at my core at some points. He reminded me that its my job to be a disciple of Christ, to spread the Truth, to be a part of the "resistance" of satan. They did several slide shows on the genocide going on in Sudan and Darfur which I am really sensitive to. The kids didn't even know about the things going on in those places and were really sad to hear about it when we talked about it.
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Starfield was really great too. They so much enjoy what they are doing and actually sing with smiles on their faces. I love it when artists are so into their music that they close their eyes and sing with everything they have. I especially love it when musicians are Christians and they are doing this because I know they aren't singing for me or the others in the crowd, they are singing for Christ, singing straight up to heaven. This was Starfield. They had great stage presence and captured the heart of everyone in the audience because it was so apparent that they LOVE Christ. We were fortunate enough to meet them and they were very sweet guys.

I was really convicted this weekend and last weekends' trip to Windy Gap. I have allowed "things" and "desires" to get in the way of my personal relationship with Christ. I have turned to inanimate objects for comfort rather than to Jesus. I have left personal disappointments and desires to distract me. God knows I'm doing this, I know I'm doing this but I still am doing it, I haven't been ready to change. God wants me to bring my burdens to Him, to seek comfort in the only place that I will have everlasting peace, His arms.

I am so blessed that God has called me to be a part of youth ministries both through my church and through Young Life. I never would have had the experiences that I had last weekend at Windy Gap or this past weekend at Resurrection if I wasn't a part of these two ministries. There is nothing like spending quality with the other Christians and the Lord.

The biggest thing that I have taken away from these weekends is that it is OUR responsibility as Christians to spread the Word and Love of Christ to others. Who else is going to do it if not us? I shouldn't let fear or anything else hold me back from shouting, yelling, telling everyone in my path of God's love.

Love always, in His name, April

Random Thoughts on a Friday (written 4/06/07 on myspace)

So I haven't blogged in forever! A few things that have been going through my mind lately:

A) I wish that I could blog was well as my sister. Her blog is hysterical. She is quite possibly one of the funniest writers EVER!. Most of the time she has me in tears I'm laughing so hard....who knew?!?

B) I lost my grandfather two weeks ago today. Its strange that he is just not a part of this earth anymore. I mean strange. I keep a picture of him on my desk now just to remind me of what he wanted most for me. What did he want most for me, you ask? To lose weight. A part of me feels like I should make more of an effort now, just for him. I know that you shouldn't do things like that unless you are doing them for yourself but a little part of me feels like I let him down or disappointed him by not trying harder. I know that he didn't sit around and think about my weight problems/issues 24/7 or anything and I know that he still loved me no matter what but whenever I think about him I think about how much he wanted me to lose weight. I think that maybe he should have wanted me to want to lose weight for there lies the bad do I really want it? What am I willing to sacrifice? All I know is that I've gone at least 5 days without french fries (intentionally) and its only started killing me today. I am going try and kick the french fry habit.....forever.....who knows. Next is soft drinks. I thought that if I could put my will power to those two things first maybe adding more things to the list won't be a hard as french fries and coke are my biggest weaknesses.

C) I REALLY want to go to Africa, not to see the wild animals or more than a square mile of untouched earth (cause you know you can't find that anywhere around here anymore), but to do missions work. I haven't ever had the "I need to go on a mission trip" bug and never really thought that God was calling me to do so until recently. I always wondered why God wasn't calling me to have more a heart for missions but I guess I just figured that He was happy with the ways in which He was already using me (working with high school students). So, why Africa? And by the way...only Africa. I don't feel called to go to Central America or the Middle East or other places that I know are also in need....I just feel like I'm supposed to go to Africa. There are hundreds of thousands of people dying over there from poverty and hunger and genocide not to mention the AIDS epidemic is out of control over there. Did you know that there are witch doctors over there telling the infected that if they have sex with a virgin that they will be cured of their AIDS. Can you imagine the reprocuctions of this blasphemous news?! There are infected people raping children in order to "cure" their disease....which in turn just infects more people. These folks need to be educated guys! I'm not saying that that is why God wants me to go over there but this is just one of the many situations that He has laid on my heart regarding the African people. I would love to be able to go over there and help them plant gardens and help them have access to fresh water in some way. I am looking into different resources where I can possibly join a team that is going over there but if anyone can help me get connected with a team that would be awesome!
D) Other than that not much else is going on. I am still working with high school students both through my church's youth ministry and through Young Life at Shiloh High School. I am loving both of these ministries and the kids so much! I think about them often during the day and hope that they are standing firm against the temptations of the world. I really enjoy going on trips with them too! Work is going AWESOME. I love my job so much. My boss ended up resigning after she had her baby and I miss her being here and her support and leadership but am happy for her and her decision to stay home with her little guy. Needless to say though, I stay pretty busy.

Ok, I guess that's it for now. Later!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Torture....I mean Moving

So.....I have figured out what the best form of torture is.....wait for it.....wait for ready??? Moving! I like being in a new place, having a new space to decorate and I especially love the fact that I will be saving nearly $400 a month in rent but the actual act of moving all of my "crap" (that is what my family affectionately calls my stuff) from one-well broken in place to another clean slate "no socks stuffed in random places....yet" place, just isn't much fun!

I want to thank my family members who have helped me move my crap stuff from one place to the next a few times over the past 10 years. I also want to thank my GREAT, WONDERFUL, friend-for-life Heather! Everyone deserves and needs to have a Heather in their life. I am truly blessed to have her as a friend. Also, thank you to Whitney for all of your help and I am super excited about all the fun we are going to be getting into. you have any plans to move in the near future? If so....can I encourage you to think of a few small points before taking the plunge?? A) is this move vital? Will it help you to save money or time in any way? B) could this move not wait until the fall or winter when its not 2,000 degrees outside and the air is a thick as molasses? C) are you a masochist/sadist/emo (that one is for my sister) and just looking for a way to harm yourself or others? D) can your body withstand the enormous amount of torture you are about to put it through? E) can you afford to pay whatever its going to cost in damages because your dog sucks sometimes? F) can you tolerate your friends and family calling your cherished belongings "crap"? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions (except C obviously) then you are officially prepared to torture yourself move! Have fun!!